Sunday, 26 April 2020

The Shed at the End of the Yard

With the dining room overwhelmed with art materials, last Summer I spent some time converting our little 7'x5' shed into a work space. There was a massive sort out, tidy out, give stuff away day followed by painting the walls white, adding flooring and carpet (thanks Mam), a table (thanks Lorna) and bookcases and shelving scrounged from all over the place. I bought two solar powered lights, a big clock and a wind-up radio, everything else was second-hand, re-purposed, given or found.

It took a day to carry all the books and art materials from their former home and arrange them in new spaces. Longer still to rearrange them all again, until finally I was happy and could begin making a mess.

It's a tiny space, too cold to work in Winter but now warmer days are here I work on secret projects, messy projects and things involving glue, while the cats snooze on the roof.

Life has slowed right down. I hadn't realised just how much I needed a break from life until everything stopped. So I draw and paint and stick and stitch, listening to the goldfinch singing in the tree across the lane and make the most of this gift of time, this Pause, to take deep breaths of cleaner air and quieter skies in the shed at the end of the yard.

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